Thursday, June 22, 2006

In a Break From Class...

I took some photos of some bougainvillea that caught my eye. I saw a lot of bougainvillea around town the last time I was down here that I wanted to photograph, but I didn't get a chance as I wasn't feeling well. Most of it is pretty blah by now, but this one was still in pretty good shape. You can see from the first photo that it has lost a lot of petals, though.

I posted more pictures earlier (below) but made this a separate post as blogger wouldn't let me post so many photos at once.


Stacy~ said...

I love the pictures you take Michelle - very full of strong details and lots of color. Just gorgeous...

Michelle B said...

Thanks Stacy! I love bright colors in general, so it's no surprise I photograph things that are colorful LOL. I've started getting into textures and such as well now...