Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Which 5 Books Would You Save?

Wow, being sick seems to prompt me to post a lot! I'm off to bed in a minute, but I wanted to post this to my blog after seeing Shi's post over at her blog.

She was pondering which books she'd choose if she was running out of the house because of a fire and could only save five (or six:P). I responded there on her blog, but as I'd already done a book themed meme today, I decided I'd post my response to her topic here as well.

As I mentioned there, I love all my books and wouldn't want to be without any of them. If I had to choose, though, I'd go by sentimental value.

Here are the 5 books I'd take with me first when fleeing a fire or other natural disaster that forced me to evacuate:
  1. The Giant Who Liked Chocolate Cake by Estella Hitchcock Lane which belonged to my maternal grandparents. I remember them reading the stories in it to me and my sister when we visited as kids. It's sort of falling apart now, so I have to be very careful with it!
  2. Winnie the Pooh by A.A. Milne. Another one that belonged to my grandparents. I've always loved Winnie the Pooh and I think that may have started with my grandparents:)
  3. The Red Pony by John Steinbeck. Yet another of my grandparents' books. I used this one for a book report in junior high. It's an illustrated edition with very nice watercolor type illustrations.
  4. Choices by Shad Helmstetter. My dad gave me this book to read the summer after my 9th grade year. I needed a book to read in summer school (we had a required reading period), so I used this book. It has really shaped my outlook on life!
  5. He's Got the Whole World in His Pants...and More Misheard Lyrics. I had a hard time choosing the fifth book. I ran out of sentimental faves, so I went with one that would make me laugh in such dire circumstances (losing all my books, house burning down, etc) I have 3 other misheard lyrics books, but I've read this one the most.
So which 5 books would you save?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Heh. It's a hard decision to make, isn't it?