Saturday, July 15, 2006

Update: Photos On Private Property

Ok, I really should be in bed. I'm supposed to be up in 5 hours:/ Anyway, I got up some courage to take more photos tonight after going to get take out from one of the places with a cool sign. They were so nice:) So I ventured to some other places as well.

I also found a USA Today article that somewhat eased my mind. The basic idea from the article is this:

"You can take photos any place that's open to the public, whether or not it's private property."

So, whew. I didn't do anything wrong. There's actually quite a bit of leeway you have as a photographer. If you'd like to read the entire article, click here.

Thanks for bearing with me on my earlier venting. I plan to resume the project, but since I won't be around here much it may take me a little while to get all the pictures I want:)


Kala said...

Hi michelle - yougot the guess right for the Hanauma bay beach - if you want, i can send you a postcard or post a link to your blog on my next posting =)

Also, I nejoyed reading that article about what a photographer is allowed to photograph - very interesting

Stacy~ said...

Thanx for sharing Michelle. I hope that makes you feel better about what you use as subject matter. I love the pictures of the sunsets and flowers,but you should be allowed to take pictures of whatever you want - I liked the sentiment behind the Route 66 pix. Thank you for always sharing your treasures :)